We find motivated forgotten girls trapped in poverty, we protect and feed them and teach them skills to succeed
Girls can not learn if they are afraid and hungryWE TEACH SUCCESS
We teach success education, confidence, success habits and leadership skillsTHEY PRACTICE SURVIVAL
The girls practice their skills on projects that they depend on to surviveTHEY TEACH
Older Amazing Girls teach and screen future Amazing GirlsOPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT AMAZING GIRLS OF THE WORLD

Sponsors one girl one year: education, food & water

Set up Smile Amazon. They donate when you buy.
No cost to you

Host a dinner party & contribute your network
(we help)

Introduce us to people who are interested in improving the world

Sponsors one girl one year: education, food & water

Host a dinner party & contribute your network
(we help)

Set up Smile Amazon. They donate when you buy.
No cost to you

Introduce us to people who are interested in improving the world